This week we had Athletics day we all dressed in our house color and enjoyed working together in our group. l was in yellow team with Nyjah, Nevaeh, Jonathan, Giovanni and Angela. We all came in our color and tried to work as a team to win first place. The first activity we did was throwing the Frisbee in side of the hop and at the end we had to see how much we had all together. The next activity we did was rob the nest. What we needed to do was get as many balls in the our circle they was also one person that had a pip on that person could tag anyone from other teams. The next activity we played was high jump for this activity we had to go in a line and try and jump the fairest and then cone it. After that activity we did the sponge race for this we had to line up in our groups and try and fill up the bucket with water we had to go under a pole jump over a rope and put our sponge in the water and run back with it. After that we played shot put we had to throw the ball with our shot skills. Then after that we moved onto discus there were 3 different kinds of spots to throw the hop over and they were point 1, 3 and 5 we tried to stick with 1, 3 because it would be easier for use and because at the end of the game we won with 57 points. After that we moved onto the next activity for this we had to line up as a group and lay our chest and stomach on the ground and when the man says go we had to run and jump up and try and grab a ball. After that activity we had a bark under the shad for 20 minutes then we moved on to the egg and spoon game for this we had get into our line and have a spoon and a fake egg on top of the spoon and walk in and out of the cones and walk over the chair and wait until the man says run back and we run back we won that round. After all of those activity we had lunch which was sausages we ate our sausages and our own lunch and went and played when lunch time was finish we sat in our class outside and all the races in each class fasted. l enjoyed Athlectics day because we could have fun and play in the hot weather and work as a team.