What are quartiles how could we solve or use them. I am going to talk about these topic today Respect, Kindness and Attitude. Quartiles are things that help us solve problems for example if someone wasn’t allowed to eat meat or doesn’t believe in something then i would be respectful and eat what they eat and not force them to eat something that they don't really want or can’t have.
Respect means showing someone that you are friendly and giving them the same amount of respect in return. Respect is important because for example if someone is different from you then you have to show respect by not being rude to them about themselves just be nice and kind. Respect isn’t that hard at all you have to do is show them the same amount of respect you would want from them.
Attitude is the most important one because it’s hard showing this all the time if you are in a bad mood or you are just having a bad day overall. An example of attitude is if your friend is mad at someone then you could help to calm them down and not have a attuide against them for making bad decisions how you can Solve this is by telling them it’s ok or tell someone. Giving attitude to someone who hasn’t done anything towards u isn’t such a good idea and if they are having a great day attitude towards them just is in kind because you are just going to yell and shout at them for nothing a way to solve this is to just forget about that person and move on with your day or if doesn’t work then tell someone about what’s happening.
Kindness is Being friendly to someone by helping them or just being their friend if they can’t find anyone. Showing kindness everyday is hard and easy because sometimes you can’t control what you say. Kindness is being generous to others for example if someone doesn’t have lunch then you can give some of your food to them or they could tell the offices that they don’t have food. Being generous is showing kindness because it shows that you care about others and you don’t care about someone doesn’t food because you can just give them some of your food.
Respect is showing the same amount of respect you would want from someone else and being nice to others. Attitude is making sure you stay in control of yourself and don’t talk back to an elder's. Kindness is being friendly, generous and considerate of others that are different to you and your family. I have talked and hope you have learned about these three different quartiles l have talked about in my Explanation.
This week we had our first practice for our writing sample. I was writing about some about important values like respect,kindness and Attitude .Respect is showing the same amount of respect to someone else and getting it back. Attitude is important Tolerance is sharing an idea or problem and respecting and accepting their opinion or problem. I think next time I should work on my punctuation and interesting words.